Employment Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in Southwest Mississippi Community College! Our current open positions will be listed on this page. Please contact for more information:
Jennifer Knight, Human Resources, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666-9029
Phone: 601-276-3850, Email: hr@mollybillion.com
Job postings are listed as Faculty or Staff. When applying, please choose the appropriate application.
Food Service Worker -Staff
Utility Lineman Tech Instructor - Faculty
Remote Learning Specialist for the PBI Grant - Staff
Early Childhood Education Technology Preschool Teacher - Staff
If one of the job listings above is labeled as Faculty or Staff, please choose the appropriate form.
Faculty Application
Staff Application
Non-Discrimination Statement
Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601-276-3885; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601-276-3717; 三亿体育登录, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666.